Halibut is restocked!!! Coho is sold out and will be restocked this fall along with some new products!!!
If you're anything like me, you'll spend any amount of money on skincare products labeled "miracle," "youthful," or "anti-aging." After all, your skin is the biggest organ in your body and the first thing people notice about you. Glowing, supple skin is the ultimate grail, and Americans spend more than $300 each year on it.
Lotions, potions, and serums have a place in your regimen. But have you thought about including more skin-on fish in your diet?
Everyone is aware of the general health advantages of fish, and many people now consume two meals each week. But did you know that eating the fish's skin may help your skin's health, texture, and vitality? Eating the skin and the flesh allows you to get the maximum nutrients from your fish. By removing the skin and eating only the flesh, you will miss out on the many essential nutrients and oils contained in the skin and the fatty layers of meat linked to the skin.
Fish skin is delicious, but it also contains skin-beneficial elements like collagen, and vitamin E. Collagen is necessary for skin elasticity and suppleness. Vitamin E aids in moisture retention and protects cells from UV damage.
Don't forget that fish skin contains omega-3 fatty acids, which might help you battle stress and improve your mood. When you're happy, your skin glows. Then there's protein, which is the muscles' building block that gives you that great grin.
A word of caution: we're not talking about the mushy or floppy skin that emerges after cooking or poaching. That is best removed. You should also avoid eating theskins of farmed fish, which may contain pollutants.Kohne Family Seafoods only sells wild, sustainable seafood from the cold waters of Alaska. Among our skin-on favorites are:
We're not proposing to toss out that container of magical anti-aging lotion, nor are we promising instant results. However, when it comes to fish skin, your skin will thank you for consuming more of it. Here’s something to try, after cooking your salmon the skin will usually fall right off, or remove it prior to cooking. Then in a pan fry it until it’s crispy, let it cool and crumble it over a salad for a little crunch and extra vitamins in your salad!